Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Still hanging on

I'm hanging on to NanoLite (i.e. my lite version of NaNoWriMo = at least 1,000 words a day in November, as opposed to NanoFat, which is the full 1,600-1,700 words a day). Barely. I missed it on one day, but my day of 2,000 words managed to make up for that one. Today I just squeaked by with 1,075 words, although I'm pretty sure that last paragraph I wrote is crap that will need to be deleted first thing in the morning. So my total word count for Legend 2 is 30,271. I finally crossed the 100-page/30k mark! Woot.

I think I'm finally hitting my groove for this book, and am still excited by a revelation I had last night about the plot. Currently I'm knee-deep in a fun chapter narrated by June. I always like writing her chapters because I get to do research on all sorts of random facts. Like how many square feet a railway car's floor is. Or how far a XM-25, the supposed deadliest U.S. military rifle, can shoot. (Answer = 700 m) Stuff that's pretty useless to know for everyday life, but fun for novel-writing. :) Also, if the U.S. government actually does keep track of what its citizens search for on the net, they probably have a surveillance camera on me due to the bizarre searches I do. (Russian fighter jets, spy planes, deadly biological weapons, and whether it's possible to make a bomb out of twigs and chewing gum? Not average civilian searches....)


Emy Shin said...

Oh. The things you searched for just doubled, or maybe trebled, my desire to read LEGEND, as I've always had a thing for genius detectives and criminals (am a Sherlock Holmes fan) -- and Day and June both sound brilliantly smart. :D

And I am now very curious whether you can make a bomb out of twig and chewing gums...

JJ said...

Yay, you has a blog!

I attempted NaNoWriMo for all of...half a day this year. I always do this. Oh well. I have a project I desperately need to finish the 3rd draft of, plus another my friend was trying to get me to work on. Did that happen? No. This is probably why I'm not a writer. :)

But yay, you has a blog!

Marie said...

@Emy: lol. I don't think you can make a bomb out of chewing gum and twigs....maybe I should just *say* you can, and chalk it up to sci-fi. ;) (or not) It's so hard trying to write two characters that are smarter than me, though; I frequently have to turn to friends or online folks to ask them the plausibility of things!

@JJ: Oh--hi! :) Thanks so much for stopping by! I had this blog a long time ago but never really had anything to post, so I just now started updating it regularly. Don't worry, I suck horribly at NanoFat. I didn't even get my words for NanoLite today. :(

Asterin F. said...

Oh my god you have a blog, you have a blog!!!!!!! I have the trilogy and the first two books of the Young Elites perfectly arranged on my top shelf (favourite books) and they are beautiful and I love them. I'm trying to write a novel right now, and it happens to coincide with a major individual study project at my high school... and based on the amount of words I'm aiming for (90,000) and the due date (28 days from now) I'll have to be writing like 2200 words per day (I'm 2000 words short of 30,000 and need some time to edit haha). I searched up how many words Legend was because I was like Legend was basically the perfect length and now I'm dying because I ended up finding your blog *squeals* sorry going a bit overboard. ANYway, just wanted to know if you have any advice for us writers trying to write tons and tons everyday! And tips on how to recover after missing a day (or two. or three. or a week.) :D :D :D THANKS AND CAN'T WAIT FOR THE MIDNIGHT STAR!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs! <3

Asterin F. said...

Oh my god you have a blog, you have a blog!!!!!!! What what what??? Hurrah. I have the trilogy and the first two books of the Young Elites perfectly arranged on my top shelf (favourite books) and they are beautiful and I love them. I'm trying to write a novel right now, and it happens to coincide with a major individual study project at my high school... and based on the amount of words I'm aiming for (90,000) and the due date (28 days from now) I'll have to be writing like 2200 words per day (I'm 2000 words short of 30,000 and need some time to edit haha). I searched up how many words Legend was because I was like Legend was basically the perfect length and now I'm dying because I ended up finding your blog *squeals* sorry going a bit overboard. ANYway, just wanted to know if you have any advice for us writers trying to write tons and tons everyday! And tips on how to recover after missing a day (or two. or three. or a week.) :D :D :D THANKS AND CAN'T WAIT FOR THE MIDNIGHT STAR!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs! <3